
puedo besar su mandillar moustache?

- can I kiss your handlebar moustache?
Meghan agrees this is the phrase for my trip.
Yesterday I arrived in Cancun, not as many mustaches as I had expected. I sadly admit though that I was somewhat envious of all the women who received a rose from their main squeeze for V-day. -Whatever. I on the other hand found happiness while cracking open a Corona and sitting on the beach. The fam and I went for a lovely oceanside dinner the Palapa but due to jetlag (or maybe a few too many Coronas) I retired to my room at..6:30 pm.

I spent the day at the beach studying Biochem, getting destroyed by waves, and inspecting sand crabs on the beach. I swear my animal physiology class has left me too intrigued with nature and animals that I feel i must 'inspect' all interesting things I come across these days.

Well, I'm too sleepy to write and it's almost time for dinner soooo see ya!

Ps. I think I'm taking sailing lessons tomorrow, yep!